Bioidentical Hormones replacement Caru, NC - Rejuvenate Medical

Introduction to Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical hormones are identical in molecular structure to the hormones naturally produced in the human body. They are synthesized from plant sources and are biochemically equivalent to endogenous human hormones like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and others.

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) uses bioidentical hormones to supplement declining hormone levels typically associated with aging and menopause in women or andropause in men. BHRT helps restore optimal hormone balance, providing extensive benefits for well-being, vitality, and quality of life.

Why Bioidentical is Better

Benefit Description
Molecular Similarity Identical to hormones made by the human body
Natural Fit Compatible with hormone receptors
Reduced Side Effects Lower risk compared to synthetic hormones
Customizable Dosing Tailored to individual needs

Our services

Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance

Imbalanced hormone levels cause many symptoms that negatively impact health and well-being. Common signs of hormone deficiency include:

Women: hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, decreased libido, mood swings, depression, anxiety, sleep disruption, weight gain, fatigue, poor concentration, hair loss, dry skin.

Men: fatigue, usually after eating, low stamina, mood swings and depression, high cholesterol, wrinkling, loss of body hair, increased abdominal fat, loss of sex drive.

Timely treatment can prevent hormonal imbalance from progressing and turning into more serious conditions.

Restore your vitality with bioidentical hormones.

Benefits of Bioidentical HRT

BHRT provides life-changing benefits by restoring hormones to optimal levels:

Basics of BHRT

BHRT treatment is customized to each individual's unique hormonal profile and needs. It usually involves:

The most commonly prescribed bioidentical hormones are:

Women Men
Estradiol Testosterone
Estriol DHEA

BHRT follows natural rhythms with hormone cycling, rotation, and intermittent dosing breaks to avoid downregulation of hormone receptors.

Rejuvenate Medical

The Rejuvenate Medical provides cutting-edge BHRT programs personalized for both women and men.

Our experienced endocrinologists specializing in hormones use advanced testing to precisely identify hormone imbalances. We create fully customized treatment plans using the latest bioidentical hormone therapies to restore optimal hormone levels and balance.

At Rejuvenate Medical, we combine proven bioidentical hormone protocols with lifestyle modifications for diet, exercise, and stress reduction. This integrative approach helps patients achieve the full benefits of hormone replacement while also encouraging healthy habits for optimal well-being.

We closely monitor patient progress and provide ongoing support. Our goal is to help patients feel their best so they can continue enjoying meaningful and vibrant lives.

Why Choose Rejuvenate Medical?

Restore your health with bioidentical hormones.

Diagnosis and Testing

Because hormone levels fluctuate, testing is crucial for accurate BHRT diagnosis and monitoring. Rejuvenate Medical performs advanced testing to precisely determine bioidentical hormone needs, including:

Testing provides key data to develop a tailored treatment plan that returns hormones to optimal levels, resolves deficiency symptoms, and helps protect long-term health.

Rejuvenate Medical BHRT Protocol

The Rejuvenate Medical follows proven BHRT protocols to safely and effectively restore hormone balance. Our general protocol includes:

Initial Assessment - Medical history, lab testing, and evaluation of symptoms

Treatment Plan - Prescribing bioidentical hormones and dosage recommendations - Lifestyle modification counseling - Follow-up schedule

Hormone Replacement - Starting bioidentical hormones via pills, patches, gels, or injections - Follow-up testing after 4-6 weeks to adjust dosing if needed

Monitoring - Ongoing follow-up visits and testing every 4-12 months - Adjusting bioidentical hormone dosage over time for optimal balance

Cycling & Rotation - Taking breaks from oral hormones to avoid receptor downregulation - Rotating delivery methods such as alternating patches and gels

This protocol allows precision dosing to address hormone deficiencies while closely monitoring for safety. The regular follow-ups and dosage adjustments help sustain long-term balance and benefits.

Treatment Options

Rejuvenate Medical offers all current bioidentical hormone medications and delivery methods:

Pills: Easy to use, but hormones metabolize through the liver. Best for short-term use.

Patches: Steady hormone release absorbed through the skin. Applied twice weekly.

Gels: Customizable dosing absorbed through the skin. Usually applied daily.

Injections: Direct administration lasts 2-4 weeks. Most consistent hormone levels.

Pellets: Long-lasting pellets implanted under the skin every 4-6 months.

We recommend starting with pills or patches and later switching to longer-acting methods once the optimal dosage is determined. The route of administration can be rotated as needed.

Rejuvenate Medical specialists guide each patient in selecting the right options for their particular needs and preferences.

Lifestyle Support

Rejuvenate Medical recognizes that good health depends on more than just hormone levels. We offer detailed lifestyle guidance to help patients maximize their well-being:

Nutrition: An anti-inflammatory diet low in sugars with sufficient protein.

Exercise: Regular moderate cardio and strength training tailored to abilities.

Stress Reduction: Relaxation techniques like yoga, deep breathing, or meditation.

Sleep Hygiene: Aim for 7-9 hours per night by optimizing sleep habits.

Supplements: We may recommend supplements like magnesium, zinc, or omega-3s.

Toxin Reduction: Limiting toxins in food, products, and the environment.

Adopting positive lifestyle changes amplifies the benefits of BHRT for total mind/body health.


Rejuvenate Medical has helped countless men and women find renewed health, vitality, and quality of life through expert bioidentical hormone therapy. Our experienced specialists provide precise diagnosis, customized treatment plans, and ongoing monitoring to restore optimal hormone balance using the latest advancements in BHRT.

We take a holistic approach that combines bioidentical hormones with lifestyle guidance for better sleep, nutrition, exercise, and stress management. You'll receive compassionate support in a welcoming environment.

Our goal is to help you look and feel your best, prevent age-related diseases, and enjoy your life to the fullest. We see firsthand how balanced hormones reduce symptoms and promote well-being in profound ways.

If you're experiencing low energy, weight gain, low libido, or other hormone deficiency symptoms, we encourage you to explore bioidentical hormone replacement at Rejuvenate Medical. Our cutting-edge therapies and integrative approach can get your hormone levels back on track so you can thrive as you age.

We hope this guide provided helpful information about bioidentical hormone replacement therapy and how it can transform health and vitality. If you're experiencing symptoms of hormonal imbalance, we encourage you to explore the benefits of BHRT. Contact us today to learn more.

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